"Saml en Gris" (Build a Pig) is a game we developed at Limbo for Danish Crown. The game is made to be used at Danish Crown locations giving visitors a fun, teaching experience, but the game can also be shared as it lives on their website.
The game is only made in Danish, as different named cuts of the pig varies widely from country to country. It is a reimagining of an old, similar Flash game Danish Crown used to utilize for the same purpose, so while the game is a huge improvement on that, the base gameplay was already set in stone as we started the project.
I made the game with a team of colleagues, and while I did take part in initial meetings figuring out the shape of the game, I was mainly the developer coding the deal. Unlike most of the other games I've made or been a part of making, this game was not made in game development software, but rather simply as HTML, JavaScript and CSS in the same Vue framework as their website runs on.